Summer fish pockets & rye beer


That’s right. I said it. And it can only mean one thing…grill 1It’s summertime people! And so we Bodas bring you…

How to make a delish summer meal on a  $10 charcoal grill with whatever is in your refrigerator or garden

1. Gather cheap grill, charcoal, matches, and lighter fluid..

2. Carefully arrange charcoal teepee.

3. Light charcoal. (remind self less lighter fluid next time).

4. Relight charcoal.

5. Use plastic cutting board to fan charcoal until glowing.

6. Close grill lid. Get a beer.

rye of the tiger

It’s the Rye of the Tiger!

7. Return to grill. Fan coals with said cutting board until near exhaustion (remind self to begin workout routine asap).

8. Wrap your choice of meat (or fish) and spices in little foil pockets.

9. Load every veg in the house with olive oil or butter (or both, you nuts).

10. Refill beer and….

 Crispy, savory, and delicious. and healthish. but nobody needs to know.

grill 2

grill on my friends.


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