We moved to a farm and life is crazy


We’re talking cray cray, people.

As of this month, Zac and I are officially farm folk.


Portman Acres

We moved just outside of our small town to this gem.  We can now say we live in the second floor of a beautiful old farmhouse built in the late 1800s on an old dairy farm turned beef farm. I know. Why would two young folk such as ourselves move to a farm where the ratio of cow to people is, say, 4:1? Lots of reasons I suppose having to do with love of the country and simple life, regaining a sense of community, seeking a new adventure, definitely the peace, fresh air, and quiet. One thing’s for sure, living here is a lovely fit for these two old souls at this time in our young lives. Oh, and things are crazy.

Here’s a preview of our new digs.


Did I mention that moving is crazy?

moving 2

Thank goodness for good, strong men!

moving 4

Still not sure how this maneuver happened.

moving 3

Moving success due to most patient husband and selfless brother in law. No thanks to worry wart wife holding camera.

messy move

Post-move life, ahhh free me from the mess!

Check out more farm friendly photos on instagram @bodafide!

Coming up next: A tour de farm, a Catholic house blessing,

and what’s in that weird bunker/cave thing?
